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Belgian High Gravity 3787

Belgian High Gravity 3787

Regular price $14.99 USD
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A classic strain selection for brewing Belgian dubbel or Belgian tripel. This Abbey strain produces a nice balance of complex fruity esters and phenolics, making it desirable for use in other Belgian style ales as well. A flocculent, true top cropping yeast (additional headspace is recommended), that will work over a broad temperature range. This strain makes a great Belgian style “House” strain.


Flocculation: Medium

Attenuation: 74-78%

Temperature Range: 64-78F, 18-25C

Alcohol Tolerance: 11 to 12% ABV or higher


   Belgian Dubbel

   Belgian Golden Strong Ale

   Belgian Specialty Ale

   Belgian Tripel

   Bière de Garde

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