Chinook Pellet Hops 1 oz
Chinook Pellet Hops 1 oz
Chinook hops are a very distinctive dual-purpose hop used in Ales for both bittering and flavor/aroma. Chinook hops are commonly used in West Coast style IPAs. Distinct, medium intensity spice and pine characteristics with subtle notes of grapefruit. Some consider the bittering quality of this hop to be a bit rough because it has a lingering quality. On the other hand, some brewers can't get enough! The flavor/aroma is spicy and unique, with a huge following of loyal fans.
Hop Statistics
Alpha Acids: 12.0 – 14.0%
Beta Acids: 3.0 – 4.0%
Alpha-Beta Ratio: 3.0 – 4.67
Cohumulone: (% of alpha acids): 29 – 34%
Total Oils in mls per 100 grams dried: 1.5 – 2.5
Similar Hop Varieties: Northern Brewer, Columbus, Nugget